The Boxer/Brawler Class (BX/OSE)

 So, a boxer? Why boxing you may ask? Well, I love boxing, I grew up watching it; mainly my dad talked of it back in the day, and he still prefers wrestling these days. So, I took something that he loves and gave to me and turned it into one of my passions.

So, this class has been tested; although it works as is; be sure to tweak it to your table needs, I fell in love with this class and it will appear as one of the PCs in my campaign once one dies, if one dies that is. The dice in BX/OSE are fickle and anything can happen really. 

Now, I have included an optional little cool tidbit at the bottom, it is of course not required at all!

The Boxer Class:

The Boxer/Brawler Class (BX/OSE)

Class Overview

Boxers are masters of unarmed combat, relying on their agility, discipline, and powerful strikes to defeat opponents. They are less armored than traditional warriors but excel in close-range fighting, dodging, and delivering devastating punches. The punches being gloved or not is up to the player!

  • Hit Dice: d6
  • Armor Allowed: Light armor only (leather armor or padded clothing). No shields.
  • Weapons Allowed: Unarmed strikes, daggers, and improvised weapons.

Prime Requisite

  • Strength or Dexterity (Player’s choice).

A Boxer with a prime requisite score of 13+ gains a +5% XP bonus, and one with 16+ gains a +10% bonus.

Class Features

1. Unarmed Strikes

Boxers are trained in lethal hand-to-hand combat.

  • At 1st level, Boxers deal 1d4 damage with unarmed strikes.
  • This damage increases as the Boxer levels up:
    • 1d6 at Level 3, 1d8 at Level 7, and 1d10 at Level 11.
  • Boxers may attack twice per round with unarmed strikes at Level 5.

2. Dodge (AC Bonus)

Boxers rely on agility instead of heavy armor.

  • When wearing no armor or light armor, Boxers gain a +1 bonus to AC.
  • This increases to +2 AC at Level 7 and +3 AC at Level 11.

3. Stamina Surge

Boxers can push themselves beyond their limits for a short time.

  • Once per day, a Boxer can use Stamina Surge to take an extra action in a round (e.g., attack, move.).
  • At Level 7, this ability can be used twice per day.

4. Knockout Blow

Boxers are adept at delivering devastating punches.

  • Once per combat, the Boxer may declare a Knockout Blow before rolling to hit.
  • If the attack hits, it deals double damage and forces the target to save vs. Paralysis or be stunned for 1 round.

5. Iron Will

Boxers are trained to resist fear and mind-affecting effects through sheer determination.

  • Gain a +2 bonus on saving throws vs. Fear and Paralysis.

Saving Throws

Boxers share saving throw progression with the Fighter class.

Attack Progression

Boxers use the Fighter attack progression table.

Level Progression

Level XP Required Hit Dice (d6) Unarmed Damage Special Features
1 0 1 1d4 Dodge +1, Stamina Surge (1/day)
2 2,000 2 1d4
3 4,000 3 1d6
4 8,000 4 1d6
5 16,000 5 1d6 Extra Attack
6 32,000 6 1d6
7 64,000 7 1d8 Dodge +2, Stamina Surge (2/day)
8 120,000 8 1d8
9 240,000 9 1d8
10 360,000 9+1 1d8
11 480,000 9+2 1d10 Dodge +3
12 600,000 9+3 1d10

Boxer Background and Role in the World

  • Background: Boxers might come from underground fighting rings, serve as bodyguards to nobility, or train in gyms that are sponsored by a noble or wealthy individual.
  • Role: In adventuring parties, they excel in close combat and provide a unique playstyle, using their agility and precision to complement armored warriors and spellcasters.

Optional: Boxing Techniques Table

Boxers may learn unique techniques as they gain levels. Allow players to choose one technique at Levels 4, 8, and 12. This is all very optional; this has not been tested, but you can tweak how you wish to, replace them, or change some of the class abilities for these!

Technique Effect
Counterpunch Once per combat, when an enemy misses you, make an immediate unarmed attack.
Grapple Expert Spend an attack to grapple a creature (save vs. Paralysis to resist). Grappled foes cannot move.
Quickstep Move an extra 10 feet during your turn.
Adrenaline Focus When reduced to 0 HP, make a saving throw to remain conscious for 1 extra round.

There it is folks, in all its glory; I added the 'Brawler' bit at the top in case boxers didn't exist in someone's world who may use this. Of course, I may tweak this over time and it just may stay the same, I don't know, but it looks good for now!!

For now, if anyone has any questions, please feel free to comment down below! I have more stuff, some new mechanics, classes, and some spells and the like coming and in the works. Also be on the major lookout for posts about my legendarium, and adventure modules; these are getting the most work done on them!

Thank you all for reading, be sure to follow me on all of my social media.


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